Build a Warrior Squad

Thank you for your interest in starting a group. There are many ways to form a Warrior Squad, you can do it by the initiative and direction of local church leadership or by your personal initiative, with a group you yourself invite and build. If you are starting a group by your own initiative, and it is being formed from the membership of your home congregation, it would be wise to communicate with someone in church leadership so they are aware of what you want to do, and can give their approval, support, input, counsel and advice.

Below are some suggested steps to take when starting a Warrior Squad:

1. Read “Twelve Keys to Building a Close Fellowship of Warriors”

Read “Twelve Keys to Building a Close Fellowship of Warriors” in The Warrior Workbook to get an idea of what a Warrior Group should look like.

2. Decide what size and kind of group you want to have.

Two options are open to you:

  1. Make the group for disciples only.
  2. Make the group a means of outreach to men in your community. (This would obviously be a different type of group than described in the “Twelve Keys” document referred to in point #1 above. You will need to make adjustments in your approach to accommodate the level of faith and spirituality of the men in this kind of group.)

3. Next, issue an invitation to a preliminary meeting.

  • This can be done in person, or with a written invitation. (See free download: Warrior Workbook, page 77, Section Three Number Five – Invitation Letter)
  • The purpose of this meeting is to explain, inform, and inspire – and then invite – the men to join. They then go home to reflect, think, pray and seek God’s will on the matter and afterwards get back to you to let you know if they want to commit. After you have a solid commitment from your invitees, begin your group.
  • Why use this approach? Because you want men in the Warrior Group to understand the kind of promise they are making and so that they will be with you and the group heart and soul (see 1 Samuel 14:7).


What size should your group be?
  • Make the group small enough to allow for intimate discussion, where every man has the time and opportunity to speak up.
  • Make the group large enough to create an atmosphere of energy and excitement in the room.
  • So what is the exact number? Reread the Twelve Keys Think on these things, pray and ask the Commander for wisdom, and make your best decision. (Six to Ten? More? Less? Your call.)
What are some ideas for our first official Warrior Group meeting?
  • Every group member needs to have in hand a copy of Warrior and The Warrior Workbook as you begin.
  • Decide if you wish to make use of The Warrior’s Spoken Commitment and/or The Warrior’s Written Commitment (See The Warrior Workbook, Section One, Number Four and Number Five). You may choose to use neither.
  • Start strong, begin with a bang, and make it inspiring! You may want to do something dramatic, like hanging a Warrior Dog Tag on the neck of every man as you begin – and as you do so, have him express aloud to everyone in the room his commitment and passion to be a warrior for God. Or, issue each man a Warrior T-shirt or other item of apparel. (See Gear menu on home page for ideas here.)
What if you have other ideas on how to go about this?
  • Brother Warrior, form your group using your best judgment, seeking wisdom from the Commander Himself! (See James 1:5)